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Brooks Tuilik
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Reed also makes a full tuilik paddle suit. Just like the tuilik but there’s a second layer below that continues down to for s full suit, including socks. I think mine was 6-700 a year ago, and well worth it. Very comfortable and with appropriate layers, quite warm when necessary.

I paid $300 a few years ago. Thats a big jump. Its a vert nice garmont though. Reed does the job for me at this point. In cold weather i rely on a drysuit anyway. 

$650 for no tunnel (brooks does not have a tunnel). I got the tunnel which ensures you are dry even if your kayak has water in it and you are rolling. $719 with tunnel. I like that it’s made of Gortex so not too hot in the summer. I just put a 100 thermal fleece under it and good for the winter.

I have a reed Tuilik sourced thru Cheri & Turner at kayakways. I like how lightweight it is.
-Heather Adams (Rochester NY)

When i called about it last week the price was $650. Was that what he charges now?

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Try I just got one a few weeks ago and it is totally waterproof. Fantastic custom fit to you and your kayak. Cheaper than a dry suit and those are not custom fit.

Try I just got one a few weeks ago and it is totally waterproof. Fantastic custom fit to you and your kayak. Cheaper than a dry suit and those are not custom fit.

Andrew you are aware of reed tuiliqs correct? I havent seen a brooks in years. There is also a fellow in british columbia making goretex tuiliqs but his orices are rediculous. Unless he really doesnt want to make them anymore. I had one years ago when cheaper but he made it too large and i sold it. Nice garment though.

Andrew --

I bought a couple of new tuiliqs from Brooks Paddle Gear a little over a year ago. The web site doesn't seem to be working, but the contact at the time was Mark Jarvinen; The phone answers: 778-727-1245 .

If it helps, I have a few older, but serviceable 3mm neoprene tuiliqs that are not being used. If anyone has need. A couple are Brooks; one is from QajaqJapan. They're all size large, with skirts to fit a slightly lengthened Greenland coaming.

-- Dan Segal

Christopher Crowhurst

Reed Chillcheater in the UK and Comfort Paddling uin Canada are both available.

Christopher Crowhurst

This is probably old news but I just found out that Brooks is no longer in the business of making Greenland paddling gear. Is this correct? Does anyone know of any dealers who still have any of the Brooks tuiliks for sale? Does anyone have any other recommendations for commercially available tuiliks?


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