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Qajaq USA Forums

The Greenland kayaking forums are sponsored by Qajaq USA, an official chapter of Qaannat Kattuffiat, the Greenland Kayaking Association.

Please read the guidelines specific to each forum before contributing.


If you are not interested in finically contributing to Qajaq USA, but wish to post on the forum please Join QAJAQ USA as a forum-only member, there is no cost.

Greenland Kayaking Forum
Unmoderated, noncommercial discussion of all aspects of traditional kayaking (Greenland, Aleut and all northern native watercraft), ranging from history and culture, to kayaking technique, to kayak and paddle making. Topics such as harpoon throwing and Inuit rope gymnastics are also discussed.

Greenland Commercial and Events Forum
Discussion of events, instruction, products, classified ads and other commercial advertising that relates to "traditional" kayaking.  If you are selling an item, post to this Forum.

Board Forums:
Directors Forum
Board Forum

*These forums are only accessible by Board members and Directors