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HomeQaannat Kattuffiat Rules


Greenland Kayak Association

Rules for Kayak Competitions

Note -- this document was translated into English for the 2000 Championship, the first time the competition was opened to foreigners. The title of the original document is Qaannamik Unamminermi Malittarisassat. There have been some rule changes since this document was first approved. I have included some of the rule changes, as well as my comments in square brackets. Where necessary I have modified the original translation for clarity, grammar and spelling. Greg Stamer

Part 1. General overall rules.

§ 1. Rules in force.

These rules are in force for members in organizations arranging competitions of kayak events and for the members in the National Kayak League (Qaannat Kattuffiat).

Only for local competitions organized by individual Qajaq Clubs is it permissible to make looser rules than described in these pages.

§ 2. Different competitions.

The National Kayak League, a town or a club associated with the
National League; are allowed to arrange competitions using following titles:

Regional competitions or competitions with participation from other countries.
Greenland Championships or Championships arranged by the National League.
Open competitions or competitions with participation of invited participants.
Local championships.
A. Regional championships or competitions with participation from other countries.

Such arrangements are open for all regional participants and the participants are obligated to follow the rules set up in the letters of invitation, which may contain one or more events. The rules must agree with the rules described in these pages.

B. National Championships or League Championships.

Participants in the National Championships and League Championships must be members of clubs affiliated with the National Kayak League.

The participants must be introduced and presented by the individual kayak-clubs and then be approved by the members of the Executive Council of the National Kayak League.

National Championships and League Championships can be arranged within the following disciplines (events):


1. Paddling

1.1. MEN, 15-19, 20-34, 35-49, 50 and above.

Short distances, within 3-6 km (1.6 - 3.2 sea miles)
Long distances, within 15-20 km (8.1 - 10.8 sea miles)
Incl. portaging a kayak within 5-10 km, incl. portaging a kayak 2-3 times (2.7 - 5.4 sea miles)
Team-competitions, within 3-6 km, 3 persons in a team
1.2. WOMEN, 15-19, 20-34, 35 and above; Adolescents, 13-14 years old.

Short distances, within 1.5 - 3,0 km
Long distances, within 4.0 - 6.0 km
Incl. portaging a kayak, within 1.3 - 3.0 km incl. portaging a kayak once
Team-competitions, within 1.5 - 3.0 km.
1.3. Children, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12 years old.

The distances should be decided at the city and location, where the competitions are held.


Individual rolling.
[G.S. click on link above to view the competition capsize maneuvers]

All of the rolling maneuvers shall be performed on both Sides [G.S. does not apply to walrus pull and paddling upside-down].


Less points = If the maneuver is not done perfectly, then the roll has to be carried out one more time

More points = If the maneuver is done perfectly and without problems on the first attempt

If more than one participants share the same final score, the time taken to perform the rolls will be used to rank the participants.

[GS: Starting in 2002, each participant has a time limit of 30 minutes to perform as many techniques as possible].

Upside Down Paddling: You must travel 3 meters to score 1 point, thereafter 1 point is awarded for each 2 meters traveled.

Walrus Pull: When participant is pulled (from the side), 5 adults should pull together and the rope used to pull should be 15 meters long.


Harpoon distance/long throw
Harpoon precision throw

Harpoon should be thrown with the kayak moving forwards. The distance to get up to speed should be 10-15 meters for all participants categorized except from the children, who are allowed to throw the harpoon from a stationary kayak.
In this event, the tools/gear to hold the harpoon and to throw the harpoon should be mounted on the kayak. [G.S. in most cases the harpoon-rest is a simple cradle attached to a lathe of wood, and slipped under deck lines. I borrowed one from a fellow competitor].
The harpoon shall be thrown with a norsaq (throwing board).
The distance to the harpoon-target should be at least 10 meters for men, and 5 meters for the women and the adolescents.
For young children, the target should be placed depending on how far the individual children are able to throw.
The harpoon throws count only if the harpoon point lands first. The distance will be measured at the spot where the point first hits.
4. GAMES USING A HARPOON-LINE (Rope Gymnastics):

Straddling on the cord.
With cord under one arm and one knee.
Turning with body bent over the cord at waist level.
Laying atop the cord, with it behind the back.
Cord behind the back held with both hands.
Holding cord with both hands backwards.
Backwards with one hand behind the neck and other hand at chest-level.
The cord on the instep, other leg spread sideways.
Cord on instep, legs on the 'cord.
Cord on one instep, the other leg spread sideways.
Cord on one instep, legs on cord.
With heels on the cord.
"Rolling" (like rolling a kayak) on both cords.
Rolling and pulling.
Rolling, holding only one cord.
Capsize, pick up object on ground and then roll-up.
"Rolling" with extra weight (backpack containing 10 kg).
"Rolling" 5 times to the wanted side.
Turning lying on the cord.
Turning while keeping the body out of the cords.
Turning from stopped sitting position with arms spread out.
Turning in swinging position with arms spread sideways.
Sitting lengthwise to the cord with spread arms sideways.
Turning in sitting position with arms crossed on breast.
Turning standing on the cord holding the cord with both hands.
Hanging on chin holding with one hand counting/5 sec = 1 point.
Hanging with one arm/hand counting 2 sec = 1 point.
Sitting on cord with one leg bent and the other extended.
Holding cord with both hands placed opposite to each other.
Holding cord with both hands touching each other.
Holding cord with both hands spread backwards.
Holding with both hands touching/beside each other backwards.
Holding with hands spread forwards.
Holding with hands touching each other forwards.
Pulling with crossed thumbs and spread hands forwards.
Pulling with crossed thumbs and hands gathered.
Crossed hands, one forwards the other backwards.
Crossed hands and the cord at throat-level.
Biting the cord, holding with both hands forwards.
Biting cord, holding with both hands, one behind and the other forwards.
With a short loop-grip, 12 cm and spread hands.
With a short loop-grip and hands gathered.
With a medium loop-grip, 22 cm and spread hands.
With a medium loop-grip, 22 cm and hands gathered.
With a long loop-grip, 40 cm and spread hands.
With a long loop-grip, 40 cm and hands gathered.
With 2 short loop-grips, 12 cm and spread hands.
With 2 short loop-grips, 12 cm and hands gathered.
With 2 medium loop-grips, 22 cc and hands spread.
With 2 medium loop-grips, 22 cm and hands gathered.
With 2 long loop-grips, 40 cm and hands spread.
With 2 long loop-grips, 40 cm and hands gathered.
Holding with thumbs, one forwards and one backwards.
Holding with middle-fingers one forwards other backwards.
Holding with ring-fingers, one forwards one backwards.
Holding with forefingers, one backwards one forwards.
Holding with one hand in the cord, the other hand holding the wrist.
Holding the cord with twisted arms with spread hands.
Holding cord with twisted arms with gathered hands.
Body stretched lengthwise to cord holding with hands spread.
Body stretched lengthwise to cord holding with hands gathered.
Body stretched lengthwise to cord with both legs up.
Two cords gathered.
Lifting one leg and placing it on the hand holding the cord.
Getting over a 10 cm hindrance.
Getting over a 20 cm hindrance.
Holding with hands spread, backwards, without touching.
Holding with hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
Holding, hands spread, backwards, without touching.
Holding, hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
Holding, hands spread, backwards, without touching.
Holding, hands gathered, backwards, without touching.
Pulling, crossed thumbs, hands spread, without touching.
Pulling, crossed thumbs, hands gathered, without touching.
[G.S. the same list in Greenlandic, from the original document appears below. The Qaannat Kattuffiat has produced an instructional tape of the rope maneuvers, due for release in 2003. The tape is organized by the Greenlandic terms for the maneuvers.]

Tunuussineq, niaqoq qulaallugu, makisiullu nalaatigut tigullugu.
Tunuussineq, niaqoq qulaallugu, illuttut tigullugu.
Palluussineq, tallit illuttut niaqoq qulaallugu.
Palluussineq, aapaanik niaqoq qulaallugu aapaa sakissap nalaanut.
Singernennillugu, nissup aappaa avammut siaarlugu.
Singernennillugu, nissut tutsillugit.
Singernennillugu illuinnarmik, nissup aappaa avammut.
Singernennillugu illuinnarmik, nissut tutsillugit.
Qajaasaarneq, allunaat tamaasa tigullugit.
Qajaasaarneq, pakassummillugu.
Qajaasaarneq, illuinnarmik allunaap aappaannaa tigullugu.
Qajaasaarneq, tigusilluni makinneq.
Qajaasaarneq, usiaagalerluni makinneq (oqimaalutaq 10 kg.)(iluarisamut).
Qajaasaarneq, tallimariarlugu qipineq uterlugulu (iluarisamut).
N ammaassaariarneq, tunngall urn.
Nammaassaariarneq, qangatalluni.
Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit ulinneq, uninngalluni.
Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit ulinneq, issakatsiaarluni.
Ingilluni, tallit siaarlugit tukimut ingilluni.
Ingilluni, tallit paarlatsillugit ulinneq.
Qupaloraarsuusaarneq, allunaat tutillugit tigullugillu uleriarneq.
Kisitsineq, illuinnannik tigullugu tallormillugu, sekuntilersorlugu, 5 sek.=l point.
Kisitsineq, illuinnannik tigullugu, sekuntilersorlugu, 2 sek.= 1 point.
Qivittuusaarneq, nissup aappaa peqillugu ingiffigalugu aappaa siaarlugu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, aappaa pallortillugu aappaa nerfallartillugu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat tutsillugit, aapp. pallort., aapp. nerfallarti1lugu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit pallortillugit.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit pallortillugit.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit nerfallartillugit,
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit nerfallartillugit.
Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit (assaat nerfallartillugit) avissaartillugit.
Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit assaat katillugit.
Paarlatsillugit, assaat X-llugit, aappaa nerf. aappaa pallortillugu.
Paarlatsillugu, assaat X-llugit, qungaseq allunaamut tutsillugu.
Kiillugu, tiguinnarlugu, nerfallartillugit.
Kiillugu, tiguinnarlugu, nerfallartillugu, pallortillugu.
Tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat avissaartillugit, 12 Ctn.
Tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat katillugit, 12 Ctn.
Tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat avissaartillugit, 22 Ctn.
Tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
Tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat avissaartillugit, 40 cm.
Tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat katillugit, 40 Ctn.
Illuttut tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat avissaartillugit, 12 Ctn.
Illuttut tigumisserlugu, naanneq, assaat katillugit, 12 Ctn.
Illuttut tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat avissaartillugit, 22 Ctn.
Illuttut tigumisserlugu, akulleq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
Illuttut tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat avissaartillugit, 40 cm.
Illuttut tigumisserlugu, takineq, assaat katillugit, 22 Ctn.
Tikermik tigullugu, aapp. nerf., aapp. pallortillugu.
Qiterlermik tigullugu, aapp. nerf., aapp. pall..
Mikileqqamik tigullugu, ...
Eqeqqumik tigullugu, ...
Paffik tigullugu, assak nerfallart. tallip aappaa al1unaamut qaqillugu all.tigum.paffia
Taleq qipillugu, assaat avissaartillugit.
Taleq qipillugu, assaat katillugit.
Nallormillugu, assaat avissaartillugit.
N allormillugu, assaat katillugit.
Nallormillugu, nissut illuttut.
A1lunaat marluk katinngasut.
Nappakkap qulaannera, 10 Ctn.
Nappakkap qulaannera, 20 cm.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, pall., nerf., attomagu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, pall., nerf., attomagu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, pallortillugit, attomagu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, pallortillugit, attomagu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat avissaartillugit, nerfallartillugit, attomagu.
Tiguinnarlugu, assaat katillugit, nerfallartillugit, attomagu.
Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit, assaat avissaartillugit, attomagu.
Nusuinnarlugu, kullut paarlatsillugit, assaat katillugit, attomagu.

The maneuvers should be carried out within 30 minutes.
It is only allowed to make one attempt on each maneuvers.
One can choose to carry out the most difficult maneuvers first.
Explanations to some of the disciplines can be studied in H.C. Petersen's book "Qaannamik pinnguaatit" ("Kayak Games").
C. Open championships or championships for invited participants.

These can be held on the National Kayak League's approval and the following are allowed to attend: foreign kayak-participants and Greenlandic kayak-participants and the rules will be the those mentioned in the invitation letter to the championships. The letter should contain clear explanations/instructions for the planned competition.


Local competitions are only permitted for kayak-participants living permanently in the concerned place and the rules to these competitions should be approved by the National Kayak League.


The club-championships are only permitted for the members of the club who have paid their year-subscription. It is allowed, that different clubs join each other and arrange championships together. The disciplines included in the championships have to be the disciplines approved by the National League.


The program for the competition shall clearly state the different competition disciplines and how the ages will be divided. The age-groups can be divided following the rules and the additions to the rules (among others, see § 2 D and E). With regard to senior participants, it is allowed to divide these into different groups based on their individual abilities.

In connection with Greenland Championships/National League Championships it is allowed to form a Group B, but members, who are put in the Group B, cannot be declared National Champions. If a Group B has been formed, these competitions then should be held, without disturbing the "real" championships. [G.S. Group B is a "second-string" team].


Only members of clubs, which are members of the National League, are allowed to participate, unless the clubs have made special rules, in which they make exceptions and allow others to participate.

A member shall represent only one club within a year, except during special occasions, allowing the member to represent an another club within a year. Such a change has to be approved by the National League before effectuation. The individual members are obligated to secure their own individual life-insurance.


The different competition-disciplines are set up for the following participants in the competitions:

Girls and boys: 4-6 years, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-14 years. Young /junior girls and boys 15-19 years old.

Women and men: 20-34 years old.

Older women: 35 years or more

Older men: 35-49 years old.

Senior men: 50 years or more.

In accordance with the rules from the National League, the results from the competitions for women and men, 20-34 years old, should be calculated in accordance with § 30 in the said set of rules and the participants who get the most points of all, should be declared the winners in the different competitions.

The Greenland Sports-Federation (GIF), will present a "golden harpoon award " to the first place finishers among the 20-34 year old age groups. [G.S. applies only to Greenlandic participants].

It is possible to get special permission to compete in the 20-34 year age group, by participants outside of that age group.

Children and women can be divided ito different age-groups and the disciplines can be adjusted, so they fit the participant's capabilities. This can only be realized, when the arrangers and the National League work closely together and changes should be discussed intensively with the different clubs before permission is given. If competition-rules are changed, the National League is obligated - in written form - either to inform the member clubs about the change or do such by forming supplements to the existing rules or by making changes in the rules.


The National Kayak League has no specific rules regarding members, who carry documentation by medical doctors on physical-and- mental diseases, but the member clubs are advised to watch out and do not allow people with medical diseases to be active members in the kayak-clubs.


Arrangers of kayak-competitions can be permitted, if they apply in written form to the National League, or individuals can be appointed by the National League to arrange competitions.

§ 8. Invitations.

Invitations to attend competitions can be announced by advertising in newspapers or by sending written invitations to the different clubs to send participants among their members. Invitation-letters to attend the National Championships have to be approved by the National League, before they are distributed. [G.S. an example invitation letter, from Nuuk, 2000].

If no specific deals have been made, regarding possibilities for individual invitations, then invitations for foreigners to attend has to be sent through the National League. The invitation letter should carefully indicate the title of the competition that the invitation concerns.

Other points to be included in an invitation-letter.

List of events included in the competitions including division in groups with basis in qualifications - if such has been done.
The date/planned dates for the arrangement.
Address and date of deadline for participant application to be received. It is unusual that the deadline is set a month earlier than the competition date. With regards to local arrangement, it should be noted that the date might be changed and deadline for application does not need to exceed more than 4 days, before competitions will start.
Notice/information about fee to attend the competitions.
If the competitions should be canceled or delayed, the clubs, which have proclaimed to have members with plans to attend the competitions, should receive a notice as soon as possible.
If an invitation-letter does not contain information about where and when start-numbers for the participants will be delivered, and dates/ times the competitions will be held, where and when the prizes will be distributed etc., then this information should be announced clearly in other ways.


Applications for participation are usually sent through/by the individual clubs for the individual applicants for participation to the arrangers in good time before the competitions will take place. In special cases, such as when weather turns bad, it is allowed that the arrangers make acceptable changes in the schedule, but this can only be effectuated after having received approval from the heads of the planned arrangement. The applications should contain - as minimum - following points:

The name of the participant applied for.
The birthday and birth year of the participant applied for.
The disciplines the participant applied for and are supposed to attend.
The qualifications/class the participant applied for.
For the team relay-races, it is not necessary to list the names of the individuals on the team. In such cases, it is only necessary to provide how many teams the club will field. But generally - due to the printing of programs etc. - it will be a good thing to supply the names as early as possible.


If it is required, that an attendance-fee (starting-fee) shall be paid, it is usual procedure that the payment is forwarded along with the list of participants applied for. The National Kayak League is allowed to set up upper-limits for fees. [G.S. foreigners have been allowed to pay ~$250.00 USD for one week of lodging and meals.]


Startlists [G.S. competition starting order among participants] are usually formed by drawing lots. Only participants who are signed up correctly and in time for the competition will be included in the pool of names drawn.

Participants who have signed up late but have been allowed to compete in the competition, shall not have any advantages, and should start as the first ones or the last ones in the competition. This decision should be made by the arranging committee.

Seedning can be used in the disciplines in § 2 A and B.

Seedning should be done by the arranging committee in accordance with rules in force or by forming new rules to be in force.

[G.S. I don't know what the term "seedning" is intended to mean].


In regional competitions or in competitions where limited number of clubs are attending, reserves/substitutes can be signed up until an hour before the drawing of lots takes place. This procedure can be effectuated if an original participant has to cancel due to illness.

If the reserve/substitute is of the same qualification-category as the one he/she substitutes, he/she will take over his/her number, but if the reserve/substitute is not of the same qualification-category, he/she will be considered/treated as a participant who has signed up late.


If possible, a printed schedule should be produced - if not - as
a minimum, there should be a poster hanging with the most
important messages written on it.

The following information should be mentioned:

A contact list of the competition organizers.
Date and place for the competition.
List of participants. The individual participant's number and time of the events.
Places allowed to be in or not allowed to be in.
Schedule of awards presentations.
Space to write down results.
Special information. List of possible special awards and
the competitions that will be in force.

If two participants or more have the same point totals, or the same time, then they have to be ranked equally and get the same award.

Challenge Cups can only be produced only if permission has been given by the National Kayak League.

The Greenland Sports-Federation (GIF) gives "gold harpoon" awards to the first place finishers in the different disciplines for the 20-34 age groups for men and women [G.S. This applies to Greenlanders only].


These should be announced as soon as possible after the different events.


If an official in a competition acts or makes decisions that violate the rules contained in this document, a complaint in written form should be delivered to the arranging committee as soon as possible, and not later than an hour after the last participant in the competition has finished.

On special occasions - on decision by the National League - complaints can be accepted for consideration, even if the time limit has been exceeded.

Complaints delivered in accordance with the rules in force, should be dealt with as soon as possible by the heads of the arranging committee.

Individuals affected by the complaints should be given a chance to explain themselves before any decision on the complaint is taken.
A report shall contain an explanation of the decision and shall be submitted to the affected individuals no later than 8 days after the complaint has been received.

The arranging committee can change their decision, after extra hearings, if they judge, that their first decision was not been fully correct.

If the arranging committee holds firm on its decision, further complaints have to be directed to the National Kayak League's decision and complaints committee as directed in accordance with § 2 A and B has to be forwarded directly to the Executive Committee of the National Kayak League.


A participant in kayak-competitions has to be disqualified, if:

He/she shouldn't be allowed to attend in accordance with § 4.
If he/she competes in an incorrect qualification category.
If he/she has been assisted by others or has received incorrect assistance and help during a competition.
If he/she has disturbed another participant during a competition.
If he/she has used improper equipment in a competition
If he/she has taken a wrong route or if he has not been through all official posts.
If any participant has done any alleged incorrect acts beyond the limits drawn up here, the level of incorrect act has to be measured individually and a decision to disqualify the person or not, has to be considered.

A disqualification of a single person in a team affects the whole team. In a relay race, a whole team has to be stopped, if one of the participants in the team has paddled a longer distance than permitted.


The National League can provide guidelines on this issue, and then the arranging-committee can reimburse documented costs in accordance with the set rules for participants, referees and for the officials.


Members of the arranging committees, officials and all the participants in the competitions are obligated to follow the special rules set up by the arranging committee and the executive committee.


In cases of doubt in connection with this set of rules, the interpretation by the executive committee in the National Kayak League will be in force. Also cases of doubt which come from occasions outside these sets of rules shall be solved by the executive committee.


Kayak competitions should be organized via:

Arranging committee/organizing committee.
Competition committee.
Controlling committee.

The organizing committee shall be appointed or hired by the club or by the National League to do all the arranging work which is outside the technical grounds, like invitations, promotions/advertising, prices, registration, accommodations, drawing lots, forming of a schedule and printing of schedule, ticket sales, presentation of awards, hiring of a doctor to the competitions etc. If there is no doctor at the competition area, it should be arranged, so a doctor can be reached immediately by phone or by radio. First Aid equipment should be available where the competitions take place.

Special assisting staff-members and press-assistance should be appointed by the organizing committee if needed.

The committee is responsible to register results, to do the accounting, to control information out to the public etc., and also the committee is responsible to provide the necessary number of referees for the competitions.


A Competition-Committee should be hired by the Organizing Committee and should be formed consisting of following members:

A Competition-Chief.
Chief Constructor of a paddling-route.
Chief Starter with necessary number of assistants.
Timekeeper Chief with necessary number of assistants.
Goal Judge [G.S. Judge at finish line] with necessary number of assistants,
Time-registration Chief with necessary number of assistants.
Chief of Order with necessary number of assistants.
And if considered necessary a Supply Chief and a Chief of Information can be hired as well.

The Competition Chief is Chairman for the Competition Committee and he is responsible supervisor for the assisting staff.

§ 26. Controlling Committee.

A Controlling Committee should consist of following members:

A representative for the National League.
Two members of the Competition Committee.
The Competition Chief.
Chief Constructor of the paddling-route.
In the Greenland Championships/National League Championships and in other bigger championships, The National Kayak League is allowed to appoint people to work with the technical staff and appoint members to the Controlling Committee.

§ 27. Representative.

In connection with Greenland Championships the National Kayak League has to have a representative on the Controlling Committee. This representative will be the official representative for the National League.

§ 28. Representative in the Technical Committee.

The representative on the Technical Committee, who can be appointed according to § 26, is mandated and obligated to participate on the committee to secure that the technical part of the arrangements run smoothly.

The representative in the technical committee must not be a member of the arranging club.

§ 29. The Judging Committee.

This committee is composed of the Chief of the Competitions, the Chief constructor of the paddling route, the chairman of the club, the chief of the starter-team and the chief of the staff at the arrival/goal area.

The Judging Committee takes care of and makes decisions about questions and complaints and this committee is mandated to make decisions on questions which can not be directly solved in accordance with the set of rules found in this document.


§ 30. Addition of results.

Among participating adults, both men and women, 20 - 34 years old, the one with the highest sum of points should be appointed and addressed as "The Great Kayaker".

The following point system should be used:

No.1 = 21 points, no. 2 = 18 points, no. 3 = 15 points, no. 4 = 12 points, no. 5 = 9 points, no. 6 = 8 points, no. 7 = 7 points, no. 8 = 6 points etc.


§ 31. Special rule in force in paddling-disciplines.

Equipment/gear used in the paddling disciplines (e.g. kayaks, paddles, steering fin [G.S. skeg], tuilik, kayak mittens, kayak sleeves [G.S. waterproof sleeves that you tie-on] should be made in accordance with the traditional Greenlandic customs.
The kayak has to be covered with sealskin or with canvas [G.S. nylon skin kayaks have also competed in competition].
If a kayak breaks during the paddling competition it is allowed to be exchanged once.
It is allowed to replace paddles if they break.
A participant in the paddling-disciplines has to wear a traditional sealskin tuilik during the rolling events. [G.S. in 2000 foreigners were allowed to wear a neoprene tuilik and still compete in the "world champion Greenlandic class. This rule has changed and wearing a neoprene tuilik will now place you into the international class regardless of the kayak used].
It is recommended that you wear sealskin mitts during the paddle competitions. [G.S. The 2002 competition was held in Ilulissat, and the water was approximately 32 degrees. Even on a warm day, my fingertips were numb from an occasional dunk while paddling].
Before a paddling competition starts, the participant's equipment should be examined. Plastic may not be used in the framework of the kayak, but it is allowed to be used as a substitute for "ivory" [G.S. a replacement for bone] on paddles.
§ 32. The routes (measuring of distances).

To the competitions mentioned in § 2 A and B, distances have to be measured. Alternately it is allowed to use a topographical map to measure distances. Every 5th kilometer should be marked and the last 5 kilometers should be marked for each kilometer and these markings should be visible to the paddling competitors.

§ 33. Marking of the paddling routes.

The routes should be marked in a way so the participants cannot be in doubt, which way to go.

Floating devices with narrow flags shall be used to mark a route. Difficult passages in the route should be marked extraordinary clear or officials should be placed in such locations.

§ 34. Start and finish area.

The start and finish area should be one and the same and should be marked very clearly.

§ 35. Supply service.

In distances longer than 10 kilometers, for very 5th kilometer, there should be a supply-service unit, where the competitors can have, cacao etc., but nothing with alcoholic content.

§ 36. Control of the paddling-route.

The participants in the paddling competitions should be given a chance to examine/test the route before the competition. But in special circumstances the arranging committee can deny the participants to study the route before the competition or they can set a time limit for an examination or direct that only a part of the route will be allowed to be examined/tested.

§ 37. How to start.

The participants of a paddling competition can be started all together at the same time or they can be started individually in a row with half a minute between them.

§ 38. How the participants should place themselves before a start.

The participants in a paddling discipline should maneuver their kayak so that their paddle [G.S. I was told my torso] is even with the starting line.

§ 39. The signal to start.

The starter shall inform/alert the participants 10 seconds before the start goes. When only 5 seconds left, he should count backwards: 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - GO! [G.S. The counting is done in Danish.]

§ 40. False start.

If such occurs, the start should be canceled and started up again. The time-control begins from when the start is first called, with no consideration about delays etc.

A participant, who comes too late to a start, should be allowed to attend anyway, but his time then has to be measured individually.

If the Control Committee reasons, that the tardiness is caused by illness etc. (legal reason) the participant then can start later with a new number.

A participant, who starts late, must not disturb the competitors who started on time.

§ 41. Arrival (Finish).

The finish will be registered (timed), when the participant's body reaches the finish-line.

§ 42. Results and calculation of results.

When a participant is close to the arrival-area, the his/her elasped minutes should be relayed to the record keepers, and the elaspsed seconds should be relayed after the participants body reaches the finish-line, see § 41.

The time registered, and the participants start number, should be given to the calculating- team.

At the same time, there should be a formula that describes how the participants are ranked from their results and the ranking should be done forthrunning [G.S. ?]. The written results then should be delivered to the chief of the calculating team.

§ 43. The marking of kayaks.

If it has been decided that kayaks should be marked individually, this must be done before the start of an event.

§ 44. The participant's rights and obligations.

If a decision has been made, that kayaks should be marked, then it is the individual participant's obligation and responsibility to go to the marking team and get his/her kayak marked. The participants are individually responsible to follow the time schedule.

The participants in the paddling competitions are obligated to follow the set routes and go through all the posts set on the route.

The participants in the paddling competitions are only allowed to use traditional paddles.

The participants are allowed to eat and drink their own supplies during a competition. It is allowed for the participants - during the race - to receive information on their results and placement. There will also be official "informants" posted along the route.

If a participant drops out of a race, he/she should inform an official about this as soon as possible. But it is preferable that a participant returns to the official start-area to inform the officials.

If any participant has seen problems of any kind or spoken with anybody with problem(s) on his way, he should make this known to the first official he/she encounters.

In competitions where paddling is combined with portaging, the carrying technique should be carried out in accordance with the given instructions. It is not allowed to carry the kayak at loin level. (It has to be carried on the top of the head) [G.S. place your paddle into the cockpit, toward the bow, with one blade filling the cockpit. This acts as a shoulder rest. Carry the kayak stern-first for balance. Some competitors wear a headband to prevent forehead abrasion with the cockpit coaming].



§ 45. The format.

The format of the team-paddling competition is similar to the individual competitions, which have been described earlier. To ensure that relays/rolls are being done in accordance with the rules, a special official has to be provided to help with timekeeping. (See § 48).

§ 46. The route.

In competitions like the ones mentioned in § 2, the distances of the route should be set in accordance with the rules/principles set up by the National Kayak League.

§ 47. The placement of the competitors at the start-area.

At the starting line, the competitors should place themselves in the order of their numbers from left to right. When ranking has been set by drawing lots, then highest ranking competitors should be placed in the middle of the starting participants.

§ 48. Team Relays and rolling.

The relay-area in the team-competitions should be marked and range 20 - 30 meters.

The width of the "relay"-area should be wide enough, so that the "hand-off" from one team member to the next can be done without any problems, even at high speeds.

The hand-off has to be effectuated within the area reserved. The one arriving should push the stern of the team member's kayak or touch his/her kayak with his/her paddle. When it is announced that a team-competitor is on his way the next paddler should make himself ready for the relay.

If a hand-off is done incorrectly, both paddlers should be called back to the hand-off area and repeat their hand-off.

The relay official will supervise that hand-offs are done correctly.

§ 49. The start.

The paddlers to initiate the first leg of the relay race must start at the same time. The start should be signaled with a flag or by gunshot. If one competitor starts too early the start should be repeated.

§ 50. Ranking at arrival.

Competitors are ranked by their time. If two or more participants arrive at the same time, they will be ranked equally.

§ 51. Timekeeping.

When a paddler arrives in the team-competition, his/her time should be registered, when he/she reaches the first "line" in the relay area. This is also counted as the starting time for the next team member in the relay.

At the end of the team-competition timekeeping will be performed in the same manner as the timekeeping used in connection with the individual competitions. (See § 41 - § 42).

§ 52. Announcement of a team in the team-competitions.

It is up to each relay team to provide the names of the individuals on the team, substitutes included, to the chief competition officials. This should be done at least half an hour before the competition begins.

The team coach is required to decide the order in which the team members should start. It is OK, if the decided order is provided to the officials just before the competition begins.

Each team member can participate in only one leg of the race.

§ 53. Rights and obligations for the participants.

The rules for paddling competitions are in force here as well. (See § 44).


§ 54. Special rules in force for rolling events

Rolling should be run in accordance with § 2 part 2.


Equipment, such as kayaks, paddles etc. used for rolling should be made in accordance with the traditional Greenlandic customs. [G.S. glass kayaks can be used for the International class. There is also a class for double kayaks.]
The kayak has to be covered with sealskin or with canvas. [G.S. nylon covered kayaks were allowed to compete in Nuuk, in 2000].
If a kayak breaks during the rolling event, it is allowed to be exchanged once.
Paddles are allowed to be replaced.
A competitor has to wear a traditional Greenlandic sealskin tuilik for rolling. [G.S. for Greenlandic class.]
Before the rolling event the participant's gear should be examined. The framework of the kayak should be composed of only wood, not mixed with plastics. Paddles may contain plastic as a replacement for bone.
[G.S. There is now a 30 minute time limit for each participant. You can ask the officials how much time you have left.]
[G.S. There is now a rule that if you leave the kayak for any reason, then your scoring has ended.]
§ 55. Measuring of results.

The competitor should carry out disciplines described in § 2 part 2 and the different kinds of rolls, should be carried out from the easiest to the most difficult. [G.S. the judges call out the rolls, you cannot alter the order except to skip rolls that you can't do or do not wish to do.]
There should be at least two judges during the rolling and if they require a secretary, they should be provided with one.
There should be at least one person to do the calculation of points. Results should be provided to the competition officials or to the representative of the National League. After the scores have been verified, the results should be announced to the public.
The point-system used has to be approved by the National League.
For any given roll, points should be reduced if the competitor had difficulty with the technique, or required a second attempt.
It is allowed to try a second attempt if the first roll attempt fails.
If the second attempt to roll fails, the participant should
not be given any points for that technique/side. But the participant is allowed to continue with the other side, and other rolls.
The participant should stop if he is not able to carry out the most difficult rolls. [G.S. Do not use the experience as a "training exercise " by attempting to do rolls that are clearly above your ability. Doing so is considered rude (it also makes the event drag on longer than necessary)].
§ 56. Marking of kayaks.

If it has been informed by the officials to do so, the kayaks should be marked before they are being used in competition.

§ 57. The rights and obligations of the participants

§ 44 should be followed.
If a participant gets into problems in his rolling, the nearest kayaker should quickly lend assistance.

§ 58. Special rules in force for team rolling.

The competitions should be carried out in accordance with the set rules in § 2 part 2.

To be noticed:

See § 54 from A to E.

§ 59. Results and how to calculate results.

§ 55 should be followed with the following details:

A team in kayak-turning should consist of 3 persons from
the same club . [G.S. Three foreigners from any team have been permitted to make an "international" team.]
The rolls of the three team members should be synchronized as closely as possible.
Points will be reduced if the team members roll in too much out-of-sync and out of "rhythm".
It is allowed to make a second attempt if the first attempt to roll fails.
If one or more of the individuals on a team fails a roll in the second attempt as well, the team then should not be given any points for that roll/side.
The team should stop, if one or more of the individuals in the team cannot perform additional techniques
The team will be given points as a group (all members get the same score).
§ 60. Marking of kayaks.

If it has been informed by the officials to do so, kayaks should be marked before they are used in competition.

§ 61. Rights and obligations for the participants.

§ 57 should be in force and be followed.


§ 62. Special rules in force for harpoon competitions.

Harpooning competitions should be carried out in accordance with § 2 part 3.


The equipment, such as kayaks, paddles, hunting-gear, sealskin tuiliq, sealskin mitts, etc. used in the harpooning competitions shall be made in accordance with the traditional Greenlandic customs.
The kayak should be covered with sealskin or with canvas [G.S. nylon has also been used.]
The kayak should be equipped with the traditional hunting gear. [G.S. in 2002 we were required to have a harpoon rest. This can be a simple cradle attached to a lath of wood that is fitted under deck lines].
The harpoon (dry) should weight at least 1 kg (1000 grams).
During the harpooning competition gear which breaks is allowed to be replaced
A participant in the harpooning competitions has to wear at
least a traditional sealskin anorak. [G.S. I assume this means a short skirt (akuilisaq or tuiitsoq). However, this was not enforced in 2002 (for foreigners at least) we were permitted to wear any skirt that we owned.]
Before throwing, a participant in the harpooning competitions is responsible to ensure that there are no people in the direction he is going to throw his harpoon.
§ 63. Results and point system.

1. Long-throw.
The participant has to throw his harpoon before he reaches the throwing-line with his body.
The throw should be controlled and measured by the representative of the National League and the throwing "field" should be marked with floating devices on a rope, marked for each 25 centimeters.
There should be 2 rounds of throwing and the participant with the longest throw should be declared for winner, and ranking shall follow the length of the throws.
2. Precision-throw.
The participant has to throw before his body reaches the throwing-line.
Distance to the target should be at least 10 meters for men and 5 meters for women and children 13 - 14 years old.
The main target shall be in the center of a 2 meter (diameter) ring divided into concentric rings with 25 cm between the individual rings.
Each participant gets 2 throws. Afterwards the participant who gets most points [G.S. higher points are awarded for strikes closer to the bulls-eye] will be declared for winner.
§ 64. Special rules in force for rope gymnastics.

These should be carried out in accordance with § 2 part 4.


There should be 2 different rope setups. For the first, a strong line, knotted together, minimum 3 meters long, should be tight in both ends to 2 poles [G.S. you should have to be up on your toes to reach this line, and it has very little sag]. For the second setup each end of the line should be tied up 2-meters above "ground"-level. The center middle should sag to 1.4 meters above the ground-level.

The levels should be set pressing the line downwards.
The poles should be maximum of 5 meters apart.

The participants should do their exercises slow and pause after the end of each technique, before starting the next technique.
§ 65. Results and point-system.

The competition should be practiced in accordance with § 2 part 4.
Point-system used should be approved by the National Kayak League.

These sets of rules were approved by the representatives to the member clubs and by the executive council of the National Kayak League.

Sisimiut: July 1989.

The changes were approved: In Sisimiut on august 2nd, 1995.


Otto Jakobsen    Qajaq Nanortalik
Eliaser Bernhardsen    Qajaq Alluitsup Paa
Helga Petersen    Qajaq Qaqortoq
Robert Sorensen    Qajaq Arsuk
Hans Abrahamsen    Qajaq Pammiut
Jenseeraq Amondsen    Qajaq Nuuk
Jan Boller    Qajaq Maniitsoq
Hans Hansen    Qajaq Sisimiut
Viili Hansen    Qajaq Aasiaat
Mads Ole Kristiansen    Qajaq Qasigiarmioq
Kamp Absalonsen    Qajaq-84 Ilulissat
Erneeraq Moller    Qajaq-95 Qaarsut

Chairman: (signed by Kaleraq Bech)
Executive member: