Greenland Kayaking Video Clips
Qajaq USA is pleased to bring you the following Greenland kayaking video clips. There has been much written about Greenland technique, but visual confirmation has been difficult to obtain, unless, of course, you have traveled to Greenland or taken instruction from Maligiaq Padilla or
another of the talented Greenland kayakers. We hope the following clips will greatly increase your understanding of Greenland kayaking techniques.
If you find a clip that you wish to view often, please save it to your machine, rather than downloading it multiple times from this page. Most media players allow you to do this under the File menu option. Doing so will save bandwidth and prevent Qajaq USA from exceeding our monthly bandwidth limit. If bandwidth issues are not a problem we will be able to add additional and longer clips.
Many of the clips are edited so that if you run them in a loop, the start and finish of the technique will approximately blend together. Click on the desired image below to view the clip.